The Equipping Bible™ Next
Bible Text

Equipping Bible™ Back Cover
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If we're not saved by works,
do we have to do them?


For by grace you have been saved through faith.
And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God,
not a result of works, so that no one may boast.
For we are his workmanship,
created in Christ Jesus for good works,
which God prepared beforehand,
that we should walk in them.

~ Ephesians 2:8-10 ESV

Jesus said:
"Truly, truly, I say to you,
whoever believes in me
will also do the works that I do;
and greater works than these will he do,
because I am going to the Father."

~ John 14:12 ESV

Categories of Works in The Equipping Bible

The Equipping Bible focuses on ten broad categories of 'good works', listed below.

Each Works Section includes: 

  • A Primary Motivation — God's command, internal and external benefits, and Kingdom results
  • An Article — In a distinctive WHY? / HOW? / BUT... / GO! format to introduce believers to the works, explain how to do them, answer common objections and doubts, and challenge them to get started
  • A few Featured Tools — Step-by-step methods, visual aids, and related Bible verses
  • And some Recommended Resources for further study — Introductory, Intermediate, and Advanced books, sites, and other resources
(Click on the titles below for information about the items to be included in each section.)


READ the Word of GodMotivation:  Understanding
Learn why you should study the Bible, how to understand what you read, and how to apply it to your life.
Features:  Reading Plans, Verses for Particular Situations, Scripture Memory Program, and Subject Guide.

PRAY without CeasingMotivation:  Relationship with God
Learn why you should pray, how to pray, and what sort of answers to expect (Yes, Later, Better).
Features:  Bible Prayers & Answers, Bible Promises to Claim, The A.C.T.S. Prayer Format, and Prayer Prompts.

GROW in ChristMotivation:  Sanctification (Becoming Holy)
Learn about the spiritual disciplines and how these practices enhance your Christian walk.
Features:  Spiritual Disciplines, Spiritual Gifts/Roles/Talents, Spiritual Fruit, and Scripture Hymns.


BELIEVE the GospelMotivation:  Salvation
Learn why you need Christ to save you from your sins, what it means to become a Christian, and the basic beliefs of Christianity.
Features:  Creeds & Confessions and a Christian Lingo Glossary.

SHARE the Good NewsMotivation:  Gratitude
Learn why the world needs to learn about Christ, how you can participate in God's evangelism plan, and ways to start the conversation.
Features:  Steps to Peace with God, Next Steps to Follow Christ, The Romans Road, Share Jesus without Fear.


KNOW the TruthMotivation:  Freedom in Christ
Learn what Christians believe, why they believe it, and how understanding true Biblical Doctrine can set you free.
Features:  Christian Doctrine Articles and Marked Doctrine Verses throughout the Bible text.

CORRECT the ErrorsMotivation:  Liberation
Learn how heresies develop, how they differ from opinions, why they are dangerous, and how to answer people who challenge the Biblical basis of your beliefs.
Features:  Heresies Table and Misbelief Group Profiles.

REVEAL Christ's UniquenessMotivation:  Appreciation
Learn how Christ is fundamentally different from other religious leaders, how that difference impacts every aspect of their followers' lives, and why you need to share this information with them.
Feature:  World Religions Comparison Table.

DEFEND Your HopeMotivation:  Confidence
Learn the arguments atheists and agnostics use to attack Christianity and how to answer them with confidence and love.
Features:  Worldviews Table, Logic Lingo Glossary, Science vs. Faith Essay, and Questions for Atheists.


EXPECT Prophecy FulfillmentMotivation:  Preparation
Learn why you should study Biblical prophecy, what fulfillment looks like, and how prophecy should impact your life.
Features:  Biblical Prophecy & Fulfillment, End-Times Prophecies, and Possible End-Times Timelines.

The Equipping Bible™ Next
Bible Text

    * The Equipping Bible is a new specialty Bible designed and proposed by Sunny Snaith.  Tell me what you think! Creative Commons License: BY-NC-ND
The Equipping Bible
is a copyrighted work:
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